SLJ Poetry

3 thoughts on “SLJ Poetry

  1. Hi Benjamin,

    Wow it sounds like you know a lot about squash, is this a game that you enjoy playing in your free time?

    I love the shapes you have chosen for your poetry and that you have included both the bat and the ball, what a clever idea! You have used a very clear voice and read at a good steady pace so I could easily understand you.

    As your poems are so packed with information, they seem to me a bit more like report style piece of writing than a poem.
    When writing poetry I find it helpful to list things I want to talk about or that I want my poem to include first before I begin, and then think of just one or two words to describe that thing.

    For example your first word could be squash and your descriptive word could be ‘fast’ or ‘fun’. Then when you write your poem you can pick all the words you want to use and create some short sentences with them, and maybe even find some words that rhyme or have alliteration too.

    Thank you for sharing Benjamin, I have definitely learnt a lot about squash today!

    1. Hello Emma,

      I play squash a lot when we can’t go down to the courts like during lock down I used a wall on the house and spent basically all day practising different shots. Next time I will try and make it more of a poem than a report.


      1. Hi Benjamin,

        That sounds like fun and that you are very dedicated to practicing!
        Lockdown was a good opportunity for people to practice their hobbies. Did you get into anything else? I started doing a lot of painting which I found was a great way to pass the time.

        All poems are different and have a unique style!

        Emma – SLJ